Longford Gas Conditioning Plant
- Client: Chicago Bridge and Iron
- Location: Longford, Victoria
- Project: Fire Water and Drainage
- Construction Period: 4 Years
Project Details
Esso Australia, a part of the ExxonMobil Australia group of companies, is developing a Gas Conditioning Plant at its existing Longford facilities near Sale in south eastern Victoria. The Gas Conditioning Plant will process gas associated with the Kipper Tuna Turrum (KTT) Project. It will involve construction on private land already occupied by the company, zoned for industrial use and adjacent to the existing Longford facilities.
The $1 billion Gas Conditioning Plant Project is part of Esso and BHP Billiton’s significant investment program in natural gas projects in Gippsland and will utilise best practice technologies and industry proven methods to ensure the plant operates as efficiently as possible while minimising its environmental footprint.
In this case, production was not our main focus due to the complexity of the pipelines and the location of the installation. We worked around concrete footings, steel beams, other pipes and many labour units. Some 750 staff members on site at any one time.
GEM supplied labour, plant, equipment, QA and others for the construction of the HDPE pipeline used for the fire water service surrounding the Gas Conditioning Plant. The fire water system has been constructed in and around the new GCP Plant using HDPE pipeline. The system was constructed using 400mm and 280mm pipeline with a pressure rating of PN25 or 25bar maximum pressure. Most of the pipeline section had been fabricated above ground to ISO drawings and lifted into place using cranes and excavators and in many cases multi lifts had to be performed. Once the sections had been lifted into place, GEM performed in-ground fusions to tie the sections together. As sections of pipeline had been jointed and completed we performed hydrostatic pressure testing of the sections using our hydrostatic pressure testing equipment to a testing pressure of 22.5 bar.
Likewise, with the drainage system on site, GEM supplied labour, plant, equipment, QA and others for the construction of the HDPE pipeline used for the drainage system surrounding the Gas Conditioning Plant. The drainage system has been constructed in and around the new GCP Plant using HDPE pipeline. The system was constructed using various size pipeline with a pressure rating of PN16 or 11bar maximum pressure. Section were fabricated above ground to ISO drawings and lifted into place using cranes and excavators and in many cases multi lifts had to be performed. Once the sections had been lifted into place, GEM performed in-ground fusions to tie the sections together as required
Key Facts
- SDR7.4 PN25 for fire water
- SDR11 PN16 for drainage
- 25 x 450mm x 8m
- 700 x 400mm x 8m,
- 45 x 315mm x 8m
- 25 x 250mm x 8m
- 13 x 200mm x 12m
- 6 x 160mm x 5m
- 10 x 110mm x 12m